Remaja 13 Tahun Itu Sudah Jadi Ayah
Alfie Patten tidak pernah mengira hubungan seks yang hanya sekali dengan kekasihnya, Chantelle Steadman, berbuntut panjang. Chantelle yang masih berusia 15 tahun pun hamil, sementara Alfie baru 13 tahun.
Bayi mereka lahir di Eastbourn, Inggris, Senin (9/2/2009). Saat Chantelle hamil sembilan bulan lalu, mereka menolak aborsi. “Saya pikir asyik juga punya bayi,” kata Alfie yang suaranya belum pecah itu. Saat ditanya bagaimana dia bakal menghidupi anak yang diberinya nama Maisie Roxanne itu, Alfie mengaku tidak tahu. “Saya tidak mendapat uang saku. Kadang-kadang saja Ayah memberi saya 10 poundsterling.”
“Saya juga tidak tahu caranya menjadi ayah. Tapi saya yakin kok, bisa jadi ayah yang baik dan merawat anak itu,” katanya yakin. Alfie berusaha menunjukkan tanggung jawabnya sebagai ayah dengan menjadi orang pertama yang menggendong bayi berbobot 3,5 kg itu.
“Dia bisa saja tidak peduli dan bermain PlayStation saat Chantelle melahirkan. Namun, Alfie mau menunggui pacarnya di rumah sakit,” ujar Dennis Patten (45), ayah Alfie. Chantelle tahu dirinya hamil saat memeriksakan diri ke dokter karena sakit perut. “Saya diantar Alfie. Dokternya tanya apakah kami berhubungan seks. Saya lalu dites kehamilan. Saya menangis waktu dokter bilang saya positif hamil,” cerita remaja bongsor itu.
Chantelle mengaku takut memberitahu ibunya. “Saya pikir Mama bakal membunuh saya.” Chantelle kini membawa Maisie ke rumah ibunya di Eastbourne. Di rumah itu ia tinggal bersama orangtuanya, Penny dan Steve, serta lima saudara laki-lakinya. Karena Steve menganggur, mereka hidup dari tunjangan pemerintah.
Alfie masih tinggal dengan ayahnya, tetapi setiap hari menengok bayinya. Sikapnya masih seperti anak-anak seusianya. Dia suka bermain komputer, bertinju, dan nonton Manchester United bertanding. Dennis, ayah Alfie, sangat terpukul ketika tahu anaknya yang masih bocah itu juga akan menjadi ayah.
“Alfie menangis dan mengaku itu hubungan seks pertamanya dan tidak tahu konsekuensinya. Meski terlambat, saya harus bicara lagi dengannya supaya dia paham benar perbuatannya, dan agar tidak ada bayi lagi,” tandas Dennis yang merupakan ayah sembilan anak itu.
KOMPAS.com, 14 Februari 2009
Alfie Patten, you are not the father ....
if you remembered the 13-year-old father Alfie Patten and 15 year-old mother Chantelle Steadman?
Now the DNA test show Alfie Patten is not a dad, wow! The 15 year-old Chantelle has cheated him, a poor boy?
"A DNA test showed a 13-year-old boy in Britain is not the father of a baby born to a 15-year-old he had unprotected sex with once.
Chantelle Stedman told Alfie Patten, who was 12 when he slept with her, he was her newborn daughter Maisie's father.
The story caused a worldwide media frenzy after it was first reported by Britain's Sun newspaper, while politicians criticised what they called Britain's declining morals.
At first Stedman said Patten was the only boy she had ever slept with, but soon after other teens came forward saying they too could be the baby's father, because they claimed to have had sex with the girl.
It is still not clear who the baby's father is."
By Ben on Fri Mar 27 2009
DNA Test Reveals Alfie Is Not The Father
When Alfie Patten’s girlfriend of two years, Chantelle Stedman, gave birth to a girl baby early this February, he was proud at the thought of becoming Britain’s youngest father. He seemed devoted to the child, Maisie, promising to leave school as soon as possible so he could be financially responsible for her and even missing days from school to take care of who he though was his daughter. Alfie’s dream of playing father has come crumbling down with the latest revelations.
Alfie didn’t believe it when Tyler Barker claimed to be the father of Maisie just days after her delivery, even adding that Chantelle had slept with five other boys at school, because she had promised Alfie that she was a virgin. Alfie’s belief even prodded him to declare his trust in her by wearing a t-shirt screaming out I’m the Daddy! DNA tests done after six different boys claimed to be the child’s father has now proven that little Alfie is in fact not the real father. 14 year old Tyler Barker can now proudly lay claim to this admirable feat. The tests were done on the boys after child services stepped in due to the disturbing news that Chantelle had sexual relations with other boys in her school.
Tyler’s father claims Chantelle seduced him while he was drunk and that the boy had wept at the idea of being the child’s father. Before the results of the tests were revealed, Tyler said that he had never truly fancied Chantelle and that he hoped he was not the father. With the latest news, though, Tyler insists he would take responsibility for his child. The idea of teenage boys fighting for the baby as they would fight over a rare baseball card is shocking enough, but more shocking is the revelation that Chantelle’s mother was aware that Tyler had slept over at her place regularly but never came forward to admit this. Britain has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies, and yet when Chantelle and Alfie first announced their decision not to abort the child they were lauded by the anti-abortion Christian charity, LIFE.